Every Sunday from 10:00am-10:50am we have scheduled classes for every age group. Whether you're a big family or a newly wedded couple, there is a class for you that can strengthen, encourage, and educate you to prepare you for the morning service. Each class teaches in a variety of ways to make it easier to learn and understand the word of God. LifeChange is blessed to have the leadership of our ministry team that prepare, teach, and love each and every person they have in class.
sunday school
Adult Class
Rev. Paul Hook teaches our Adult Sunday School classes. The adult class is taught by series, sermons, and hands on bible studies. This class is ages 18 & up.
Student Class
Our Student Ministry class is under the leadership of our Student Pastor and wife, Derek & Elaine Gray. Every student in this class has been changed and motivated spiritually in their walk with God. Ages for this class are 12-18 years old and located in the Life Center Building.